
Read up on our technical blogs, covering technology & AI, data management and data quality, and insights from the market.


IRMAC Reflections with Dr. Fiona Browne

There is a lot of anticipation surrounding Artificial Intelligence (Al) and Machine Learning (ML) in the media. Alongside the anticipation is speculation – including many articles placing fear into people by inferring that AI and ML will replace our jobs and automate our entire lives! Dr Fiona Browne, Head of AI at Datactics recently spoke at an IRMAC (Information …

IRMAC Reflections with Dr. Fiona Browne Read More »

the three pillars of production AI

The Three Pillars of AI

Recent incidents involving AI algorithms have hit the headlines, leading many to question their worth. In this article, CTO Alex Brown outlines the three pillars of AI and looks at how they each play a part in implementing AI in production. As many who work within computer science will know, many Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects fail to make the crucial …

The Three Pillars of AI Read More »

“I want to be involved in research that helps people” – Meet Keaton, part of the “Our team” series

Keaton Sullivan is a PhD student in the AI Team who joined us just over three weeks ago. He’s been contributing to projects and making a considerable mark on the AI Team already! We thought we would grab him for a chat to find out how he has found working in the team so far; …

“I want to be involved in research that helps people” – Meet Keaton, part of the “Our team” series Read More »

“I thoroughly enjoy working in an exciting space with cutting edge technology” – Meet Dr. Fiona Browne, part of the “Our Team” series

You may be used to seeing Dr Fiona Browne (Head of AI) across our social channels, so we thought we would sit down with her and discuss, how she got into AI; what motivates her and her passion for technology. Let’s dive straight in…  Fiona, just to begin with, tell us a bit about your background…  I started my career by studying a BSc (Hons) degree in Computing …

“I thoroughly enjoy working in an exciting space with cutting edge technology” – Meet Dr. Fiona Browne, part of the “Our Team” series Read More »

International Food Days

Our team: International Food Days

Trying 10 different cultural breakfast cuisines right from the office! At Datactics we are proud to have 13 different nationalities across the workforce and, we fully embrace learning and exploring different cultures. Due to the variety of cultures in the company, a team borne initiative flourished and took the form of ‘International Food Days’. The initiative encouraged team members to proudly share …

Our team: International Food Days Read More »

“I keep learning, and the best part is getting to do things I have never done before” – Meet Daiva, part of the “Our team” series

Daiva Vencevičiūtė is a Data Engineer within the Client Services Team who lives in Lithuania. Upon completing her Belfast-based 6-month placement, Daiva returned to Lithuania to complete her degree. Since returning, she works with us on a part-time basis. We thought we would grab her for a chat to find out all about her placement, her involvement with the …

“I keep learning, and the best part is getting to do things I have never done before” – Meet Daiva, part of the “Our team” series Read More »

“I enjoy working on AI because there is a lot of advancements to be made, it’s not quite terminator level yet!” – Meet Matt, part of the “Our team” series

Matt Neill is working within the AI team and is now on Week 10 of his internship. He has been actively using his Data Science education background to put his stamp on the AI team. We thought we would grab him for a chat to unpack what he has been working on; how he got involved …

“I enjoy working on AI because there is a lot of advancements to be made, it’s not quite terminator level yet!” – Meet Matt, part of the “Our team” series Read More »

“I was looking around for internships to learn different skills and find out what direction I want to go in with my career” – Meet Mary-Clare, part of the “Our Team” series

Mary Clare is working within the AI Team, she joined us in July and already has been contributing to projects and making her stamp within the AI Team. We thought we would grab her for a chat to find out how she has found her working in the team so far; what she has been …

“I was looking around for internships to learn different skills and find out what direction I want to go in with my career” – Meet Mary-Clare, part of the “Our Team” series Read More »

Riders and Runners

Runners and riders club: get on your bike (or get your running shoes on)

In late June, our very own Marcus Lamb, a Senior Software Developer, took it upon himself to launch the first-ever Datactics ‘Runners and Riders’ club, for cyclists, runners, and walkers of all abilities, on popular activity monitoring app Strava. Jamie Gordon sat down with him to find out all about it… The club is only new but with an …

Runners and riders club: get on your bike (or get your running shoes on) Read More »

fence, wooden, old

How to overcome barriers to RegTech adoption

At the start of June, Marketing & Partnerships Manager, Matt Flenley was a panellist on an A-Team webinar on overcoming barriers to RegTech adoption alongside Sophia Bantanidis of Citi, Kayvan Alikhani of, and Patrick Boscher of With questions posed by Sarah Underwood, the webinar delved deep into views from different sides of the fence – buyers, sellers and investors – seeking to provide …

How to overcome barriers to RegTech adoption Read More »

chicks, egg, hatched

Data Governance or Data Quality: not always a ‘chicken & egg’ problem

In this  blog with Datactics’ Head of Sales, Kieran Seaward, we dive into market insights and the sometimes-thorny issue of where to start. Data Governance or Data Quality is a problem data managers and users will fully understand, and Kieran’s approach to this is influenced by thousands of hours of conversation with people at all …

Data Governance or Data Quality: not always a ‘chicken & egg’ problem Read More »

AI Whitepaper for Entity Resolution

Read how AI is transforming Data Quality in this exclusive white paper

  In this AI whitepaper, authored by our Head of AI Fiona Browne, we provide an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) and their application to Data Quality. We highlight how tools in the Datactics platform can be used for key data preparation tasks including cleansing, feature engineering and dataset labelling for …

Read how AI is transforming Data Quality in this exclusive white paper Read More »

balance, inspiration, motivation

Dataset Labelling For Entity Resolution & Beyond with Dr Fiona Browne

In late 2019 our Head of AI, Dr Fiona Browne, delivered a series of talks to the Enterprise Data Management Council on AI-Enabled Data Quality in the context of AML operations, specifically for resolving differences in dataset labelling for legal entity data. In this blog post, Fiona goes under the hood to explain some of …

Dataset Labelling For Entity Resolution & Beyond with Dr Fiona Browne Read More »

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