Data Quality

Easy Integration, quick results and empowering data people

Easy Integration, Quick Results and Empowering Data People are Top 3 Priorities To Reduce Bad Data Risk

Making the right judgement calls on data strategy is something that all data leaders have to face, knowing the importance of reducing the risk of bad data across the organisation. In this blog, we delve deeper into the main points that our clients are considering when evaluating how to address the challenge of data risk. …

Easy Integration, Quick Results and Empowering Data People are Top 3 Priorities To Reduce Bad Data Risk Read More »

data management insight

DMI: How to establish data quality and data governance for analytics | 22/04

Data quality has been a perennial problem for financial institutions for many years, but this needs to change as firms become increasingly reliant on accurate analytics to deliver business opportunity and competitive advantage. New approaches to data quality can help firms up their game and significantly improve their analytics capability. Adding the processes, controls and …

DMI: How to establish data quality and data governance for analytics | 22/04 Read More »

How To Reduce Your Time Spent On Data Quality Down From Three Weeks To Three Hours

How many times have you come up against the block of “that’s just how long things take here”? As soon as a firm grows to a size where it needs enterprise IT architecture, changes – understandably – need to have greater scrutiny, and that takes time. Time, however, is a double-edged sword. If a change …

How To Reduce Your Time Spent On Data Quality Down From Three Weeks To Three Hours Read More »

Awards 2020

2020 Win Makes It Two In A Row For Datactics Self-Service Data Quality 

Data quality and matching specialists add top title from A-Team Data Management Insight to recent major client wins and close out 2020 on a high New York, Amsterdam, London, Belfast, December 4th 2020 Datactics has won the Data Quality Analysis Tool award from A-Team Group for the second year running, closing out a successful 2020 …

2020 Win Makes It Two In A Row For Datactics Self-Service Data Quality  Read More »

FinTech Festival, New apprentices, events, fintech finance, belfast international homecoming, dms virtual, data restart, data quality, aml, fines, regulation, complexity, banking, technological, artificial intelligence, data will empower the next phase of our economy

Two new apprentices have joined our team and we are gearing up for FinTech Festival! – Datactics weekly round-up

Welcoming our two new apprentices We kicked off the week by announcing the exciting news that two new apprentices from the Belfast Met have joined our DevOps team. The firm has now grown by 25% since March 2020 and approaching 130% over the past two years, in response to rapidly growing customer demand.  The new recruits, Natalia Walsh and Victoria Wallace, will balance their four days …

Two new apprentices have joined our team and we are gearing up for FinTech Festival! – Datactics weekly round-up Read More »


Data will power the next phase of the economy: DMS USA lookback – Part 1

Last September, Kieran Seaward, our Head of Sales, delivered a keynote at the virtual DMS USA on a data powered economy. In his keynote he unpacked: The impact of COVID on shifting business priorities, focussing on how existing data management processes and data architectures have changed – as well as problems encountered along the way  …

Data will power the next phase of the economy: DMS USA lookback – Part 1 Read More »


EDM Talks: Lifting the lid on the problems that Datactics solves

Recently we partnered with the EDM Council on a video that investigates the application of AI to data quality and matching. In this EDM Talk, we lift the lid on how our AI team is developing solutions to help our clients, especially in the area of entity matching and resolution. This plays an important role in on-boarding, KYC and obtaining a single …

EDM Talks: Lifting the lid on the problems that Datactics solves Read More »


Introducing SSDQ: Centralise and standardise data quality processes without programming or coding

What does the self-service data quality (SSDQ) platform do?   It empowers data owners and SMEs to measure and maintain data quality themselves in line with governance policies.  SSDQ is already adding value at multiple investment and retail banks, wealth managers, and data vendors helping them to:  Achieve end-to-end holistic data quality management   Measure data against industry-standard dimensions and regulations   Empower data stewards / …

Introducing SSDQ: Centralise and standardise data quality processes without programming or coding Read More »

data quality challenges

Biggest Data Quality or Matching Challenge? Here are the answers!

At the recent A-Team Data Management Summit we held a giveaway competition for the chance to win an independent bookstore voucher – £100 to Daunt Books in London, or $100 to Strand Book store in NYC. We asked data management professionals attending the event to give their biggest data quality or matching challenge. Below you can find a summary of …

Biggest Data Quality or Matching Challenge? Here are the answers! Read More »

Making the data governance model deliver real world results

Part 4: Making The Data Governance Model deliver real-world results

A few years ago, Heineken broadcast a classic Elephant-in-the-room advert where various groups of utility construction workers all agree to carry out their work at the same time, to “save digging up the road again and causing the public more inconvenience.” It’s probably the dream of every road-weary traveller encountering another set of roadworks on …

Part 4: Making The Data Governance Model deliver real-world results Read More »

Part 2: Self-service data improvement is the route to better data quality

The route to better data quality – It’s easy to say that planning a journey has been made far simpler since the introduction of live traffic information to navigation apps. You can now either get there faster, or at the very least phone ahead to explain how long you’ll be delayed. It’s just as easy …

Part 2: Self-service data improvement is the route to better data quality Read More »


Why Future-Proofing Data Management Operating Models Is Key To Success

I have recently joined the marketing team at Datactics and one thing I know for sure: generating accurate insights is critical for wealth and asset managers. Amongst avidly listening for soundbites during the webinar (and replaying a thousand times after to grab the best bits), The Future Proof Operating Models webinar was always going to …

Why Future-Proofing Data Management Operating Models Is Key To Success Read More »


IRMAC Detective Data Work: AML and Emergent AI practices | 12/07/20

Earlier this month, our Head of AI, Dr. Fiona Browne took part in the IRMAC webinar ‘Detective Data Work’ and explored the AML and emergent AI practices. Missed it? Watch the recording below: In this webinar,  the expert panellists questioned what anti-money laundering (AML) efforts look like, and the complexities in sifting through vast data …

IRMAC Detective Data Work: AML and Emergent AI practices | 12/07/20 Read More »

“Democratic Data Quality” – Part of the Future Proof Operating Models conference from Goodacre

In early June, our Head of Sales, Kieran Seaward, presented a session on ‘Data Quality Management’ at the Goodacre’s conference: ‘Future-Proof Operating Models‘ Missed it? Watch the recording below: More information on our self-service data quality software that powers the future-proof operating models described in the webinar can be found here. Much of what was …

“Democratic Data Quality” – Part of the Future Proof Operating Models conference from Goodacre Read More »

AI Whitepaper for Entity Resolution

Read how AI is transforming Data Quality in this exclusive white paper

  In this AI whitepaper, authored by our Head of AI Fiona Browne, we provide an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) and their application to Data Quality. We highlight how tools in the Datactics platform can be used for key data preparation tasks including cleansing, feature engineering and dataset labelling for …

Read how AI is transforming Data Quality in this exclusive white paper Read More »

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