
Read up on our technical blogs, covering technology & AI, data management and data quality, and insights from the market.


All things AML and FinTech Finance: Virtual Arena – weekly round-up

We started by looking at why data matching is a key part of any AML & KYC process. It’s made more complex by the different standards, languages, and levels of quality in the different data sources on which firms typically rely on. It’s expensive too: a recent Refinitiv article states that some firms are spending up to …

All things AML and FinTech Finance: Virtual Arena – weekly round-up Read More »


EDM Talks: Lifting the lid on the problems that Datactics solves

Recently we partnered with the EDM Council on a video that investigates the application of AI to data quality and matching. In this EDM Talk, we lift the lid on how our AI team is developing solutions to help our clients, especially in the area of entity matching and resolution. This plays an important role in on-boarding, KYC and obtaining a single …

EDM Talks: Lifting the lid on the problems that Datactics solves Read More »

round up

From the launch at TechNation to another opportunity to join Datactics – Weekly Round-Up

TechNation FinTech launch!  On Tuesday the TechNation FinTech 3.0 launch took place online. We were very much looking forward to this kick-off, as it would allow us to meet the other members of the cohort, and give us an opportunity to hear from some heavyweights in both the banking and payments sector.  One of the highlights of the launch was Christian Faes, Co-Founder/Exec Chair LendInvest speaking. When he was asked …

From the launch at TechNation to another opportunity to join Datactics – Weekly Round-Up Read More »


Introducing SSDQ: Centralise and standardise data quality processes without programming or coding

What does the self-service data quality (SSDQ) platform do?   It empowers data owners and SMEs to measure and maintain data quality themselves in line with governance policies.  SSDQ is already adding value at multiple investment and retail banks, wealth managers, and data vendors helping them to:  Achieve end-to-end holistic data quality management   Measure data against industry-standard dimensions and regulations   Empower data stewards / …

Introducing SSDQ: Centralise and standardise data quality processes without programming or coding Read More »

round-up datactics

Cycling for charity, challenges with data, a new role and more! – Datactics weekly round-up

Action Mental Health granite challenge  Datactics’ Runners & Riders Club racks up a total of 338 miles taking on the Action Mental Health’s DIY Granite Challenge.   The Action Mental Health (AMH) Granite Challenge is the virtual cycling challenge which took place 4th – 11th October. This challenge is designed to challenge cyclists of all ages, abilities and goals …

Cycling for charity, challenges with data, a new role and more! – Datactics weekly round-up Read More »

data quality challenges

Biggest Data Quality or Matching Challenge? Here are the answers!

At the recent A-Team Data Management Summit we held a giveaway competition for the chance to win an independent bookstore voucher – £100 to Daunt Books in London, or $100 to Strand Book store in NYC. We asked data management professionals attending the event to give their biggest data quality or matching challenge. Below you can find a summary of …

Biggest Data Quality or Matching Challenge? Here are the answers! Read More »

diy granite challenge

Datactics’ Runners & Riders Club racks up a total of 338 miles taking on the Action Mental Health’s DIY Granite Challenge

The Action Mental Health Granite Challenge is the virtual cycling challenge which took place 4th-11th October. It is designed to challenge cyclists of all ages, abilities and goals to clock up as many kilometres as possible in the week of World Mental Health.   Action Mental Health is a vital charity supporting mental health, so we were …

Datactics’ Runners & Riders Club racks up a total of 338 miles taking on the Action Mental Health’s DIY Granite Challenge Read More »

Making the data governance model deliver real world results

Part 4: Making The Data Governance Model deliver real-world results

A few years ago, Heineken broadcast a classic Elephant-in-the-room advert where various groups of utility construction workers all agree to carry out their work at the same time, to “save digging up the road again and causing the public more inconvenience.” It’s probably the dream of every road-weary traveller encountering another set of roadworks on …

Part 4: Making The Data Governance Model deliver real-world results Read More »

Part 2: Self-service data improvement is the route to better data quality

The route to better data quality – It’s easy to say that planning a journey has been made far simpler since the introduction of live traffic information to navigation apps. You can now either get there faster, or at the very least phone ahead to explain how long you’ll be delayed. It’s just as easy …

Part 2: Self-service data improvement is the route to better data quality Read More »

Our Team: Sean McConnell

The colleagues I work with make it both an exciting and aspirational place to work” – Meet Sean, part of the “Our Team” series

Hi Sean! Perhaps as we begin, you could tell me a bit about how you got into your role, what was your educational background?  I studied Computer Science at Queens University Belfast. Naturally, when I graduated, I wanted a role in the IT field. After having a job for 2 years, I then decided to go travelling and then upon my return, I began …

The colleagues I work with make it both an exciting and aspirational place to work” – Meet Sean, part of the “Our Team” series Read More »

Coffee Morning

A successful socially-distanced MacMillan Coffee Morning (or three!) at Datactics

Three times the opportunity, three times the traybakes..! At Datactics, the Macmillan Coffee Morning was a great success, where thanks to the generosity of staff we managed to raise £331! We want to take this opportunity to thank the social committee here at Datactics, namely Shauna Corr and Paddy Donnelly, who played big roles in the organisation of …

A successful socially-distanced MacMillan Coffee Morning (or three!) at Datactics Read More »

Meet Alex Brown

“But astrophysics is not all looking through telescopes!” – meet Alex, part of the “Our team” series

You may be used to reading Alex Brown’s (Our CTO) blogs across our social channels. We thought we would sit down and chat about how he came to work in Datactics; his motivations and his passion for technology. Let’s jump right in… Hi Alex, maybe you can start us off by telling us how you …

“But astrophysics is not all looking through telescopes!” – meet Alex, part of the “Our team” series Read More »


New York, Amsterdam and a brand new look: Weekly Update from Datactics

This week at Datactics has been a particularly busy and exciting one! It’s going to be a packed round-up. Let the round-up begin…Hot on the heels of launching our brand-new website, this week was when the Data Management Summit USA Virtual took place, on the 29th-30th September, with the theme of “Adapting data strategies for today’s new normal environment.” Stuart speaks on a DMS panel and a Q&A  Stuart Harvey, …

New York, Amsterdam and a brand new look: Weekly Update from Datactics Read More »

“The most important thing is to feel valued within the company you work in” – Meet Helen, part of the “Our Team” series.

Helen Long is the Finance Manager at Datactics and has been a firm part of our family for 12 years now. We thought it would be great to sit down with Helen and find out how she got involved with us; what her passions inside and outside work are; and what her favourite part of working here is! Let’s …

“The most important thing is to feel valued within the company you work in” – Meet Helen, part of the “Our Team” series. Read More »


Why Future-Proofing Data Management Operating Models Is Key To Success

I have recently joined the marketing team at Datactics and one thing I know for sure: generating accurate insights is critical for wealth and asset managers. Amongst avidly listening for soundbites during the webinar (and replaying a thousand times after to grab the best bits), The Future Proof Operating Models webinar was always going to …

Why Future-Proofing Data Management Operating Models Is Key To Success Read More »

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