In late May, our Head of Sales, Kieran Seaward took part in the FS Club webinar to share how Datactics was helping financial firms conquer some real-world business problems that relied heavily on fast access to good data.

Missed it? Watch the recording below made available by FSClub:
During the FSClub webinar, the panellists discussed some data blunders that they have encountered in the banking world and how, by using technology, they have helped those organisations overcome these blunders.
For as long as banks have been operating, they have been accumulating data and looking for ways to manage it, understand it and use it to enhance their business. With continuous data growth and tough regulations to meet, the road isn’t easy and simply having a Chief Data Officer in place doesn’t mean that all that data insight is suddenly available and easy to access. – FSClub
Datactics and Automated Intelligence are two Belfast-based RegTech firms arming CDOs and senior managers with access, insights and rapid solutions to manage, report and fix data to regulatory standards.
About FSClub:
An Events Programme
- A Forum where the leading industry thinkers provide an up to date assessment of key events and developments likely to affect the future of the Financial Services Industry, over drinks and refreshments in a “Club” atmosphere.
- An Opportunity to discuss key topics and gain greater understanding of current and emerging areas of Political, Economy, Society and Technology change which may directly influence the future of your firm.
A Networking Opportunity
- A Peer Group to promote and exchange of views.
- A Discussion with key futurists and innovators to broaden your range of contacts.
Information Services
A General Information Service which provides a Daily News, access to the Club’s blog written by Chris Skinner the Financial Services Club Chairman and featuring Key Opinion and Comment.
A Private Information Service available only to Club Members which includes an extended and customisable news service, access to all previous event presentations and one click registration for all club events. It is planned that this service will also provide an expanding and extensive searchable library of relevant Information as well as the facility to allow members to publish their own relevant material. Members will also be able to advertise details of the services they can provide or skills and services they wish to procure.
The Internet Service that assists in predicting critical changes for any business that wants to prepare for and shape the future will also be available to members.
You can find out more about FSClub here