Edele Copeland has joined our team this week as a Software Engineer. We thought we would sit down and find out a bit more about who she is, how she has come to Datactics, her goals and ambitions. Read on to get to know her better…
Hi Edele! It’s great to have you on board. What can you tell me about this role you have taken up with Datactics?
Hello! I am delighted to have joined the software development team as a developer. I have been a developer for 3 years now with most of my previous experience being in C# and now I am venturing into the world of Java, which is all new to me. The first couple of months I will spend training and getting used to the business. I feel this role will give me a great opportunity to elevate my career within software and be able to develop my skillset whilst working alongside a stellar team.
What brought you to work for a company like Datactics?
Someone else within the company recommended Datactics to me which really enticed me to apply! I studied my undergraduate degree in Mathematics at Queens University, which was then followed by a master’s in Software Development. I have worked with data in a previous role, so I have developed a passion for data and the importance of data quality. I am really looking forward to being in an environment that will allow me to develop my skillset but most importantly be working towards projects that will have high impact and will help advance the company.
How did you find your groove within software development?
When I undertook my undergraduate degree in Mathematics, I wasn’t entirely sure which avenue I wanted to go down. Some people were wanting to be teachers, go into academia or become accountants but for me I wasn’t sure. I remember researching various master’s qualifications and I realised that Software Development was going to open many doors for me and that the employment rates were brilliant. I didn’t think about technology from a young age, I just knew I enjoyed numbers, and software development allowed me to use my logical, statistical background and apply it to technological solutions.
Coming into the role, what are you most looking forward to?
I am really looking forward to working with a team that has such a variety of experience levels. I am keen to elevate my career, I am an ambitious person so joining a company that clearly supports employees in development was massively important. I am also very passionate about promoting STEM to other girls and young women that are keen to enter the profession. STEM is a great career path, and I am hoping I can get involved with Women in Tech as part of the company.
What were your first impressions of the company?
My first impressions were brilliant – I had a call with Stuart, CEO just before starting and I remember from then thinking that the company is a company that goes the extra miles for their employees! I have been spending the first few days getting to know my other team members and I found it so refreshing to hear about the different educational backgrounds they have all had. It just goes to show, that there are many ways to get started in the technology sphere.
Brilliant! What about goals for the role as you are starting out?
I want to learn from now until the foreseeable. I am keen to become a senior developer in the next year and a half. Setting a goal like this for myself is scary but will push me to strive to achieve as best as I can. I am also keen to get in touch with my old secondary school, to go back and give a talk to female pupils and showcase to them what a career in technology looks like and the various different paths to get there. Everything is not set in stone, I did a mathematics degree and then moved across to Software Development later.
You tutor alongside working, can you tell me a bit about that?
In my spare time, I tutor 13–18-year-olds in Maths. I have been doing this for the past 10 years since I was a university student as I have gone through my various roles within my career. I am really passionate about helping young people to understand mathematics and to showcase to them the wealth of opportunities in front of them! I have seen a big trend in young girls doing mathematics at A-Level and then wanting to pursue a career with STEM, I feel in a lucky position to be able to help young people to learn and develop.
Overall, I am so excited to get stuck into my role. I am looking forward to working across the various different projects that will come my way!
Thanks, Edele, for taking the time to chat with us. It was great to be able to hear about your passions and your career journey to date. We look forward to hearing more from you soon!
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